I have been feeling the need to slow down and simplify lately and I feel like this has given me some sort of framework for how to find more space for quietude and gentleness in my day. I resonate strongly with the goals you set for yourself and I am going to spend time thinking about how I can be intentional and careful about my time so that I have moments to breathe, relax and be mindful. Sending what little comfort can be offered by a stranger on the internet to you in this difficult time <3.

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I’m glad I’ve been able to help provide a kind framework for you with the way I have been thinking about it. It’s amazing how stepping away can give a new perspective for examining what we want from our time. Thank you that means a lot x

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Sally, so much of this speaks to me. I, too, am deeply desiring moving away from a busy city suburb to the spaciousness of countryside. And, like you, I know it is a change that will take as much time as it will. For now, I allow myself to find that spaciousness in different ways. I go back onto that island off the coast of Gothenburg I visited last September. I allow myself to sense into that freedom I felt there. I allow myself to be more with the spaciousness I do have access to, even if just staring at the sky for a few moments whilst sipping on a cup of coffee. Sending you lots of love and grace.

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like that, allowing yourself to be more with the spaciousness you do have even just looking at the sky. I do get a wonderful release just staring up at the sky and watching the clouds, I must remember that! Thank you.

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Thinking of you. Take care. x

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Thank you x

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Yes - because of a hugely impactful event in my life. I wonder really what will become of all of us nowadays.

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I love all of this!! I resonate with so much of what you share and reflect here. I have been on a steady path of cultivating simplicity and harmony for years. Each layer of revelation sheds more habits and things that I did not realize were distracting me from the heartbeat of life. We have moved to a beautiful landscape of solitude and mountains. Everywhere I look feels like a freakin painting. I can wander out my front door and walk for an hour or 3. Nature is my one of my most treasured companions. I ditched social media a few years back, have quit netflix and pointless text conversations with friends that dont align anymore. I mostly listen to podcasts, create my own magic, and read amazing shares on substack! I hardly go into civilization and when I do, I feel like Im on a different planet.... I do crave connection, hence the creation of a community of like hearted folks here on substack sending in amazingly beautiful works of heart for me to publish! Thanks for sharing your journey and reflections. Feels good to know other folks are pursuing similar landscapes of simplicity!

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